

Danger lurks around every corner...

Danger lurks around every corner...

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Trial Run

Finally, some fresh content for this blog...

Been slowing down on playing any games as of late; pretty busy with school and work... but it's been the norm for me for every December and January for now, as those months are usually where work will start to pile up, or making preparations.

Things are easing up now, so I have some time to do the things I want. So I decided to play the Resident Evil 2 (2019) "One-Shot" Demo.

Now... I'm no stranger to the Resident Evil franchise, but I never really played much of the games they have to offer... even back when the original RE,RE2 and RE3 was around. I was more of a spectator, watching my older siblings or uncle playing the game. Same can be said for RE4.

Other than that, it's viewing parodies of Resident Evil at good ol' Newgrounds...

The only ones I did play however were Resident Evil 5 and 6. They were geared more towards action rather than survival/puzzle/horror. RE 5 was more tolerable than 6, as I HATED those Quick-Time Events. So much deaths...

Anyways, enough backstory... it's time to show the gameplay...

This would obviously be my first time trying out a Resident Evil game at it's most 'original form' as it can get, although the 2019 version of RE2 still has tons of changes/differences compared to the original.

Played this back in January 14th, but lacked any free time to publish the video to YouTube, or to make this post right here...

Well, things went pretty... horrible. Blind playthrough, and was playing this while I was extremely sleepy/tired, too... staying up till 4AM can do that.

And a quick check online seems to indicate that I missed out on a ton of stuff. Probably best if I didn't waste most of my time in the demo doing puzzles... but what's done is done.

And those dumb mistakes I've made while playing the demo... ugh...

I guess that'll be an indication that I'll probably suck at this... as I'm planning to play/buy the full game once it's released. Not sure about recording any gameplay of it, though. Maybe little bits of it here and there?

The only thing that similar to this [that I played before] was Dead Space. Back then, you could get it for free on Origin when it's "on the house". They don't do that anymore, though.

With only a couple of days away from it's release, it's gonna be a blast to play. Here's hoping that I don't do too terrible at the game...

-Lonesome Survivor-

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