

Danger lurks around every corner...

Danger lurks around every corner...

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Update from inactivity [cross-post]

Man... it's been too long. 

It's way more than 8 months of inactivity here, but I've already made an update post earlier on the other blog. Just gonna cross-post it here:

Well this is just... bad.

EIGHT MONTHS + without a single post... it's almost as if I've completely forgotten about the blogs that I've had...

Last update was in April, and its even worse over at the other blog, with the last post on January 23rd. Why the long inactivity? What's the reason this time round?

A few things, actually... One: the unfortunate and 'unavoidable outcome' that has befallen on 2020 as a whole; leading to drastic changes in life... studies, work and whatnot. But it was actually reason number two that affected me more: shifting focus on some old, yet somewhat new experiences and hobbies.

Hell, even then it only lasted for a short while before something else took the reign...

Been at it since last year September, the earliest. Skill so far is not that great, and there's still a lot to learn and improve... so this means tonnes of practice and research. It's not video editing as I put that on hold since April to focus on this new thing... well, 'things' to be more specific; as its actually 2 of them at the very least.

All those months passed and I did have thoughts of updating the blogs, posts and also editing/uploading videos... but was hit with a combination of interest/focus on other things, followed by coping with enormous changes in life due to the state of the world in 2020 plus general laziness after getting invaded with waay too many assignments, projects and work.

In reality, the one thing that really screwed up my time was the abundance of work and changes that had happened lately... lots of sleepless nights and chasing deadlines... after all that ordeal, I just got tired and lazy... especially when there's like 2 different sets to worry about.

Now I took out some time from my schedule to give myself some free time, but its not that long though; only less that 2 weeks. Afterwards its back to endless assignments and work! Still adjusting to the new things that's been going on in my life; hopefully I can make Saturdays/Sundays free days next year, and not the mess that happened this year with too many nights staying up late and shit.

Sadly even with the 2 free weeks, I still have some work left to be done. Gonna shift those towards the weekend if I can for now.

Well... better late than never, I guess... and that's enough ranting for today I suppose.

But! There's some good news. I still have 3 videos from Acceleration of SUGURI 2 recorded back in March/April waiting to be edited and uploaded, plus some other games that I've recorded that can be posted here AND also the other blog. I think I can get at least one AoS2 and the other game posts before this year ends. Posts for the other blog might need to wait slightly longer though, but it will be plentiful soon, judging by the amount of zombie-like games recorded. Will be cross-posting this there, though.

Speaking of games... I think the World of Tanks stuff might be coming to a halt for now; my interest in the game has steadily been dropping off. Guess that means no more World of Tanks videos from now on. Like how Dead Frontier videos are no longer a thing in the other blog, too.

And I guess that's all that I wanted to type down as of now. Funny thing is, I was expecting this year to be the year that really change me... wasn't expecting all of this in the slightest....

So from that whole shebang of text, posts will be made here too... but much more later as I'll be posting all that I needed to on the other blog. Not to worry, though... there's a lot of videos recorded that were specifically zombie-themed games, and I specifically chose those types to be recorded just for this. I counted about 7 videos stocked up, while the rest is for the other blog... 

Been thinking about updating both blogs at the same time with the video editing/uploads and blog posts, but not sure how that will turn out. The only exception is posts like ones here as they're mostly around for updates.

Here's hoping I stick to my planned schedule, so that these 2 weeks will be smooth sailing...

-Lonesome Survivor-

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