

Danger lurks around every corner...

Danger lurks around every corner...

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Not dead...

Yep. Just don't really have much to report about Dead Frontier.

I guess my charm for this game is rapidly going away. Yeah, there's some important updates that the game had gone through, but it's really eye-catching as it's all high level/end game updates.

First, we got the Wasteland. Definitely inspired by some other game, I can tell ya that much. Filled with every monster you can think of that Dead Frontier has. Only for badasses with tons of guts or for those who want play the game with some challenge.

That's not all, as PvP is always on in the area. So it's pretty much free for all, but you are still okay with clan members as they can't hurt each other from the same clan.

Reminds me of the Wilderness from the old classic RuneScape...

Then, we have another end game/high tier update! The level cap has been increased to level 325 and you earn only ONE proficiency point, as let's face it: You get 105 points if you are level 220 and got to the level cap... somehow.

There could be more updates on the way, but so far this is what we get. Dusk gears also have been updated, which is a good thing.

Maybe the next future updates could focus more on the game itself to make it more... fun? So far it's been the usual since 3D started. Maybe it's just me and my nonsense ramblings again.

I guess that's all then. Very late to say happy 2016 for this blog, but whatever. It's just a post to let you know that this blog is not abandoned in any way... just inactive, for a looooooooooooong time. I'll be seeing y'all next time when this game updates again, but we can never know when that will arrive.

-Zombie Sniper-

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