

Danger lurks around every corner...

Danger lurks around every corner...

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Hello again guys,

Well, I think you know the answer to the 6-7 day inactivity. [It's already posted in the first 'Rant' post]

Got three extra footage of DF Missions [Fort Pastor] and finally managed to upload two videos to YouTube.

So, here's another video from the 'ol YouTube account. It's very long because it's THE WHOLE OUTPOST ATTACK BATTLE.

Yeah I know, Cannon Rock again...

But I was in a rush to make this, so I didn't really care about the music used.

So yeah, I guess that's it for now. See y'all again soon!

-Zombie Sniper-

Friday, July 26, 2013

Fresh From The New Stuff

Hey there dudes,

Here's the first DF video from my newer YouTube account. Enjoy. [If you can]


Old computer + Hypercam. What more do you want? If I had tried recording with a better video recorder it'll probably trigger...


That actually happened before with Fraps over here. Yes, Fraps. The one that gives you a 2GB video for about five minutes of game recording.

Well, I guess that's all. Double feeding isn't really common for me to do.

Time to go back to editing videos!

-Zombie Sniper-


Hello again people,

Well, well, lookie here. It's been about 6 days since the last activity here. The reason? SCHOOL.

Not really school though. It's like a training center for future job listings. Under what job? Heh... guess it yourself. The place itself is pretty secure, that's all can tell so far. [Nope, it's not MIT]

Random Person: "He's lying. Clearly he's been lazying around all day...herpderp"

Nope. Not one bit.

I have to get my ass up every weekday at about 10am. Then, be at the pickup point by 11am. Work [and studying] takes up to 7pm before the bus arrives at 7:15pm to pick us up and drop us back at the drop off point. [No, not in front of our houses, if you're thinking]

What do I do when I arrive back home? Play some DF WHILE recording the gameplay. That's right, now I have about four unedited videos just sitting around waiting to be uploaded to YouTube. Have to sleep by midnight or else I won't have enough energy for some work the next day.

So yeah, weekend = break. But not really. I still have stuff to do every Sunday... What is it I do on that day?

Studying. Studying in almost anything that might be useful.

Yeah, that's practically the update. Just to let y'all know that I'm not dead for like another year...

See ya around next time!

-Zombie Sniper-

Sunday, July 21, 2013

New Videos

Hello people,

So I have some news today. The second video [Dead Frontier 3D Precinct 13 Area] was gone! Might been removed or something like that, but I don't know.

But I've made a new YouTube account. Currently posted two videos there, with first one titled "Dead Frontier 3D 'Big Tongues' Mission - boredom after mission" and second one [which lasts about 25+ mins!] is titled "Dead Frontier 3D Fort Pastor Outpost Attack - Full 25 mins OA".

Might make more DF videos, but once that netbook of mine is repaired, I can't use this laptop anymore. And did I mention that my netbook SUCKS AT LOADING DF? I meant like it's literally slower to play DF on that piece of shit than to play DF here. ["here" as in this temporary computer]

Why is it so damn hard to get a decent enough computer around here? "-_-

So I'll be posting one of those videos tomorrow [or maybe today] but I can't confirm yet. New school week and several new projects have start popping up. What fun... [not]

But that netbook can still handle some decent games, like L4D [and L4D2] Fallout [1,2,3,NV] and the infamous Counter Strike Source. [for mods] Some may be a bit laggy to play, but still it's playable. Just one thing that I don't understand about this netbook:


I mean seriously, I can play Fallout 3/NV with little lags. But almost every flashgame screws up and lags like a bitch... not to mention DF in it too. Now this is a problem 'cause how am I gonna upload DF videos if it lags alot? I'm pretty sure that if I play the game while recording, the performance will drop a hell lot more. But, I'll give it a round if that crapbook is done with the repairs.

Hopefully, that netbook can't be repaired and I'll be able to get a NEW COMPUTAH!

Argh, I rant too much on this... Didn't know I typed down this much in one go.

Well, see you around in the next post!

-Zombie Sniper-

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Halloween Event Screenshot

Hi there people,

Here's the picture from the Halloween Event last year. I had another one but it's in the other computer [my one AKA the one that's broken]

Yeah, this is just a screen-cap of the loot I got from the Pumpkin Head Zombie. The other 2 photos are the Slenderman ones. [Yes, Slenderman]

Well, I guess that's it then. Till next time!

-Zombie Sniper-

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The First Of It's Kind

Hey there dudes,

Here's the FIRST ever DF video I've made. [Might be dizzy to you]

So yeah... this is pretty much the one. Nothing else to say about it though. Well, maybe one thing:


Well, I guess that's it then. See ya soon!

-Zombie Sniper-


Hmm... Hello there.

Looks like I really took a load off since the last post. ">.>

But not really. The reason why I was inactive for over a year is because I got schoolwork to take care of. But that doesn't mean I didn't stop playing DF. I've LVL'ed T932 up to LVL 74! One more level to finally use the Sabre.

You may ask: "Dude, you're already using a Katana..."

Yep, and nope. Around a few months of inactivity here, I decided to get some REAL GEAR. Changed to get the LE'ed [Limited Edition] Corpse Destroyer! Lemme just list out what I've bought over the year:

Corpse Destroyer                                                          
Corpse Crusher                                                             
Corpse Piercer                                                              
24/24 Black Exterminator Reactive XT [Backup Armor]     
8/x/8 Shovel                                                                  
8/x/8 Machete                                                               
8/x/8 Sabre                                                                   
8/x/8 Katana                                                                 

Some might had been listed out, because they were sold. Got the guts to kill EVERY BOSS IN SP [Single Player] EXCEPT for FGS [Flaming Giant Spider] and BT [Black Titan]

BT's too tough because it can just kill me in 1 [YES, ONE] hit! [This complies with Full Health/Armor]

FGS is tough when there's more than 1 of it. I hate those things...

There's also a new area called the "Black Zone". Kinda like the old 2D area. There's also the 3D vesion of Long Arms and Red Fat Zombies called "Rumblers".

Black zone is the only zone that has no normal zombies [Normal + Burned] so it's pretty hard to loot there.

But I had training for that sort of area. :P

Oh, and the BT is like a 3D version of the Behemoth. I guess Admin's too lazy to make a proper model for the new guy and just resize it bigger and paint 'em black. [Not to mention high DMG inflicted]

Also, some new guns just appeared a few months back. I can still remember where Ironsight 2F costed 14M [True.] But now it's just 3M! HAW! HAW! HAW!

I'm thinking of sticking some screenshots here someday, but I'll do it as soon as my netbook's repaired.

Yup, not my computer I'm using here.

Since it's been such a long time, I'm gonna upload 2 videos of me playing DF here. They were from my old YouTube account and my main account was around LVL 40. Maybe I'll throw in a screenshot of when I was participating in the Halloween event last year, too.

That's some shit I've just typed down...

Hope to post soon again. [And remembering to post it.]

-Zombie Sniper-

Revolver - Working In Background Revolver