

Danger lurks around every corner...

Danger lurks around every corner...

Friday, July 26, 2013


Hello again people,

Well, well, lookie here. It's been about 6 days since the last activity here. The reason? SCHOOL.

Not really school though. It's like a training center for future job listings. Under what job? Heh... guess it yourself. The place itself is pretty secure, that's all can tell so far. [Nope, it's not MIT]

Random Person: "He's lying. Clearly he's been lazying around all day...herpderp"

Nope. Not one bit.

I have to get my ass up every weekday at about 10am. Then, be at the pickup point by 11am. Work [and studying] takes up to 7pm before the bus arrives at 7:15pm to pick us up and drop us back at the drop off point. [No, not in front of our houses, if you're thinking]

What do I do when I arrive back home? Play some DF WHILE recording the gameplay. That's right, now I have about four unedited videos just sitting around waiting to be uploaded to YouTube. Have to sleep by midnight or else I won't have enough energy for some work the next day.

So yeah, weekend = break. But not really. I still have stuff to do every Sunday... What is it I do on that day?

Studying. Studying in almost anything that might be useful.

Yeah, that's practically the update. Just to let y'all know that I'm not dead for like another year...

See ya around next time!

-Zombie Sniper-

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