

Danger lurks around every corner...

Danger lurks around every corner...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Hmm... Hello there.

Looks like I really took a load off since the last post. ">.>

But not really. The reason why I was inactive for over a year is because I got schoolwork to take care of. But that doesn't mean I didn't stop playing DF. I've LVL'ed T932 up to LVL 74! One more level to finally use the Sabre.

You may ask: "Dude, you're already using a Katana..."

Yep, and nope. Around a few months of inactivity here, I decided to get some REAL GEAR. Changed to get the LE'ed [Limited Edition] Corpse Destroyer! Lemme just list out what I've bought over the year:

Corpse Destroyer                                                          
Corpse Crusher                                                             
Corpse Piercer                                                              
24/24 Black Exterminator Reactive XT [Backup Armor]     
8/x/8 Shovel                                                                  
8/x/8 Machete                                                               
8/x/8 Sabre                                                                   
8/x/8 Katana                                                                 

Some might had been listed out, because they were sold. Got the guts to kill EVERY BOSS IN SP [Single Player] EXCEPT for FGS [Flaming Giant Spider] and BT [Black Titan]

BT's too tough because it can just kill me in 1 [YES, ONE] hit! [This complies with Full Health/Armor]

FGS is tough when there's more than 1 of it. I hate those things...

There's also a new area called the "Black Zone". Kinda like the old 2D area. There's also the 3D vesion of Long Arms and Red Fat Zombies called "Rumblers".

Black zone is the only zone that has no normal zombies [Normal + Burned] so it's pretty hard to loot there.

But I had training for that sort of area. :P

Oh, and the BT is like a 3D version of the Behemoth. I guess Admin's too lazy to make a proper model for the new guy and just resize it bigger and paint 'em black. [Not to mention high DMG inflicted]

Also, some new guns just appeared a few months back. I can still remember where Ironsight 2F costed 14M [True.] But now it's just 3M! HAW! HAW! HAW!

I'm thinking of sticking some screenshots here someday, but I'll do it as soon as my netbook's repaired.

Yup, not my computer I'm using here.

Since it's been such a long time, I'm gonna upload 2 videos of me playing DF here. They were from my old YouTube account and my main account was around LVL 40. Maybe I'll throw in a screenshot of when I was participating in the Halloween event last year, too.

That's some shit I've just typed down...

Hope to post soon again. [And remembering to post it.]

-Zombie Sniper-

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