

Danger lurks around every corner...

Danger lurks around every corner...

Sunday, September 30, 2018

The First Dead Frontier 2 Video!

Welp... supposed to get this done yesterday, but oh well...

Finally; the first ever Dead Frontier 2 video that I've recorded thus far. Pretty long, but that's because I chose the worst building to enter for my first time in DF2.

Worst way to die, period.

And now, the explanations...

So what took me +3 weeks to get just one video out? Well, turns out I ran into some "technical difficulties" when I finally had some free time to do the video edits/processing; the damn software ran into some errors that took me quite a handful of work to get it fixed.

See, I'm no longer using Windows Movie Maker for my edits... it's great, and provided me with the basics that I needed. But it also has a major drawback: constant crashing/lags and a significant drop in video quality once processed, no matter how much you adjust.

Been using another software, it's been a pleasure to use thus far.

It does hang/crash occasionally, but it at least it's not like... for every 30 minutes or so. Plus, I can do plenty of other stuff that I can't do over at WMM... it's just a massive upgrade for me.

Anyways, the problem that I ran into prevents me from even launching the software... so figuring out the problem is much more tougher there. Too many days spent doing nothing but searching for solutions online, making sure they're legit and not outdated.

I could just use WMM back again for video processing, but I'd rather not suffer through the pain I had from previous uses just for that.

Found the solution at last, but it requires adjusting some other software that the video editing software uses. No problem there...

...except that it broke plenty of other things instead. *sigh*

Well then, now we got a multitude of other software problems to handle. Plenty of re-installs and restarts later, everything seems to be working as intended. But that's not the end of it...

Nvidia decided to fuck up for some reason, preventing me from using it's 'record current game/program' feature. Then we got the computer's fan 'software problem' to fix as well...

These past two weeks has been a pain. I felt like a damn tech support, except I have questions, but I had to find the solutions myself and also fix them. At least everything's back to normal again... I hope.

Aaannd by then, it's already the 29th of September. Took about 3-4 hours to get this video processed, and was already late in the night [or early in the morning?] at 4 AM. Time to hold off the post till tomorrow, then...

And then here we are! Video processed, uploaded to YouTube, and blog post is done, with added rant at the end, too...

Well, all just in time before September ends. No need for anyone to wake me up for that [props if you get the reference!] There's still another two videos left, but I'm not sure I want to post them here, let alone process and upload them; they're just me going through the starting areas, doing simple missions.

Yeah, I think it's better if I upload something else instead... maybe boss fights. I've been leveling up pretty steadily since the video, so it could work out. Can't promise on whether they'll actually be done, though...

Wow, that's quite the wall-o-text I've got here... I think that's enough for now. Stay tuned for an update, but since the busy period's back, it'll probably be a while before another post drops...

-Lonesome Survivor-

Friday, September 7, 2018

Upcoming Dead Frontier 2 Video Batch

It's been about two days since the game's initial launch...

Figured I might as well put out some Dead Frontier 2 posts here... currently, I have 3 videos in waiting for process.

Two of them are just me exploring the starting areas' many buildings, while the last one is a rather huge one: an hour-long video of my first gameplay in Dead Frontier 2. That last one's gonna take hours to process, though.

The other two shouldn't take too long; about 8-13 minutes.

The game had a shaky launch, but at least it wasn't anything catastrophic... just minor hiccups that got fixed in less than a day.

Don't know when these videos will be done/put up, though. Hopefully not too long...

-Zombie Sniper-

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Dead Frontier 2 Development Updates Recap: May - August

Welp... there's a lot to cover here, so let's get on it.

May 30th, 2018

Technically June, but whatever...

Dead Frontier 2's Early Access launch date was revealed, and it's on the 31st of August. AdminPwn wanted to release it sooner [July or possibly June] but decided against it. The game still required some more work before it can be released with acceptable quality.

And now, the Alpha Test. Testers will be picked from the Dead Frontier 2 Discord server, and it'll most likely be those that are somewhat active. The Alpha Test phase will begin around the middle of June.

Then there's the Dead Frontier 1 > Dead Frontier 2 Cosmetic Rewards. The rewards can be earned by reaching several milestones in the game, like getting a Dusk Enforcer if you have a maxed level DF1 account.

Looks slick; really captures the DE's look from DF1 quite well.

The most basic milestone rewards is the Nomad Armor set. You get the boots and gloves at level 20, the leg piece at level 50, the body piece at level 100 and the mask at level 200.

Not a bad looking set; will be seeing plenty of these during release.

So yeah... even those who didn't spend a dime in DF1 can earn something outta this. I have yet to reach a certain level which I've planned to get to for a long time, so maybe I'll make a small push towards it now...

...if I have the time, that is.

Plenty more screenshots of the rewards over at the Creaky Corpse blog post, linked below.

Gameplay Footage, Rewards, Release Day & More!

6th July, 2018

A trailer for the game has been created...

Admin was hard at work with the game during the last few weeks. Most of it was bug fixing and polishing up the game.

There were some features left to be implemented before Early Access arrives, just some non-essential items like support system, the DF1 reward system, name reservation and achievements. Closed Alpha Test would begin the next day.

He originally planned the EA version of the game to be 100% completed as of that date, and that he can place his focus on marketing and hyping the game up. But this wasn't achieved as he had stuff left to do, like bug fixes and responding to Alpha Test feedback.

Then we have some new screenshots, they look good as before.

More over at original post, so I recommend checking that out. Links below...

Official Trailer, New Screenshots and More

5th August, 2018

A 10-ish minute video of raw gameplay footage was posted, showing what many people people wanted to see.

Alpha Testing went well, and any problems, issues or bugs found/encountered was quickly taken care of.

About less than a month away from the game's release, and there's still stuff to be done. The game is still slated to be released on 31st August regardless.

DF1 > DF2 reward system is currently his main focus, and should be ready within a few days.

8th August, 2018

The rewards system was done, and now DF1 players can link their emails and receive milestone rewards.

It's mainly a set of instructions and additional info on how to set up the link, and also some important info about the link-up.

29th August, 2018

And here we are at the most recent update...

Basically, the game was pushed back to September 5th. Issues with the servers caused for some extra work needed to be done, and releasing the game either way on 31st August will be a very bad move. So in order to avoid disaster on launch day AND to properly set everything up again, the game will be delayed.

Most of the time was used to clear out as many bugs as he could find. He could rush and still make it to the promised launch date, but that'll be devastating to him and his game if things go south.

As he said, "Releasing on the 31st will probably mean super slow servers, tons of bugs that could lead to lots negative reviews. It's just not worth risking it."

So it ends there. There's about a day left before the game goes live, so there's that.

Pretty excited to see what's in store for us. I know there's plenty of DF2 videos around already, but I prefer to experience everything first-hand. Don't wanna ruin the first few moments!

And that's all there is to it. Sorry if this post seems very... empty. It's currently 2:30 AM here, and I haven't really been getting regular sleep since I had a rather busy moment these past few days.

Nevertheless, I'm still waiting for the release of Dead Frontier 2. Should be a good one... I wonder if I should record some gameplay to be posted here? Maybe I'll think about it...

Until then, stay tuned. Here's to the release of DF2 soon!

-Zombie Sniper-

Monday, September 3, 2018

Dead Frontier 2 Development Updates Recap: February - May

Aaand we're back...

I'm already up to date with the current posts/updates for Dead Frontier 2 even before these recent posts, it's just that time wasn't on my side to make posts about them here. Nevertheless, I feel like taking a dive down the updates and posts so far from February till August. Now, let's take a trip down history...

Let's start from where we left off...

February 18th, 2018

It seems like there was an update just 8 days after my post, and it's about Dead Frontier 2's Steam Page going live.

AdminPwn then had to make a short gameplay video, as per Steam's requirements. You can check it out at the Creaky Corpse Blog, link below.

DF2 Gameplay Video, Steam Page & Release News

And here's the Steam page for Dead Frontier 2 below...

Dead Frontier 2 Steam Page

The release date was changed from April 2018 to July 2018, or somewhere close to that. As stated in my February 10th post; a delayed game to make it complete is better than a rushed mess, but we also can't be placing too many delays.

Not everyone is patient, and some are quick to flip out when even the slightest hiccup happens. Luckily, no one was angry about delays for a much completed/polished game.

Option B was chosen, which is to release a 'closed alpha test' in April and have a small group to test the game. We'll get back to this later in June...

Anyways, the game's got some progress done. Some improvements are: Active skills such as kicking/sneaking/dodging, Missions and NPC/boss systems were complete and the game's UI and menu designs has been finished.

Kicking is pretty useful to give yourself some breathing room if the zombies get too close, dodging is self-explanatory and sneaking is something I imagine working out like Fallout 3/NV/4 type sneaking mechanics.

March 30th, 2018

The most interesting update to the Dead Frontier 2 development blog; potato mode.

What is it? Well, it's basically the most basic graphic settings available in the game; disables most of the settings available. And lemme tell ya, that's a life-saver right there.

If I was still using my ol' craptop, the last option will come in useful...

I'm not even joking... throughout my years of living, the games I've used to play were pretty low-spec. Granted, I did play Fallout 3/NV on a freaking netbook once... but that's beside the point.

The point is that not everyone has a beefed-up supercomputer that can run everything at 60 FPS 4K. The laptop I'm using should be able to handle the game around Medium settings, but it's always nice to have a backup "basic" mode lying around.

Now, to the other set of news...

Servers. This is also a pleasant thing to see, now the servers used should be able to handle up to 20K [that's 20,000] players at launch.

But the best part about this update is multiple servers across the globe. No more will we have that damned "no-hit" lag which caused me to play Singleplayer Mode while playing DF3D. Servers located in North America, United Kingdom, Poland, South America and Singapore. That's quite a lot of coverage; missing only the Middle Eastern/African areas, Russia, China, Canada and of course, Australia.

Not sure if these other zones will have their own servers, but it'll probably be implemented only if the playerbase in said areas are quite big.

Work on the game is going well, as written by AdminPwn. There's only a handful of features missing from the game, and he plans to complete them by Summer. The missing features were Clan Systems, Competitions, Item-to-Item Trading, Outpost Attacks and Barricading.

So far his focus is on the game's core aspects; like looting, hunting zombies, missions, boss fights and level ups. This is to make the game as fun and engaging as possible on release.

And then we have some screenshots. The game's looking good as from previous screenshots...

I think the rain effects look amazing, same goes for the fire FXs.

A sneak-peak at the character screen; note the multiple characters you can have.

5th May, 2018

We're greeted to a sneak peak of a boss players might encounter out in the game; the Tendril.

These 'painfully fast' freaks are back again in DF2...

A DF3D enemy that's notorious for being a pain in the neck, along with Spiders due to it's speed and quick attacks. They also deal quite the damage, too...

And now the Tendril's here in DF2 as a boss. This is going to hurt...


Some changes in the plans; AdminPwn decided to launch the game as an 'Early Access' tittle on Steam, as he doesn't want to delay the game any further. The plan is to have an Alpha Testing period first to for bug-fixes/internal testing before rolling out the Early Access. The missing features from March 30th's post will be done later down the line.

I suppose this is okay, at least there's a closed Alpha Test before the Early Access release. Think of it as "Open Beta" for the Early Access that's free and not one of those DayZ types of 'Early Access'.

Then there's the Dead Frontier 2 Discord server that was set up to interact with players/fans better. I wanted to join in on this, but busy schedule kinda got in the way... plus, I don't really use Discord nowadays... unless I'm playing/chatting with friends.

And then there's some other development news: the amount of players in multiplayer instances was increased from 4 to 8, effectively doubling the amount. This is to make it feel more like an MMO rather than a co-op survival game.

There was also a sale at the one of the server companies' Singapore data-center, so Admin took the chance to get some extra servers. These new ones should help with the ping for folks over in Australia and East Asia.

Last but not least; some awesome concept art. There's quite a selection, but I'm gonna go ahead and pick just one that I fancy...

Looks like an early 'Reaper'... 

Check out the rest of the concept art over at the Creaky Corpse blog post, link below...

Dead Frontier 2: Tendril Boss, Concept Art & More!

And that's all for this post! There's still a bunch to cover, so stay tuned for that.

-Zombie Sniper-

Sunday, September 2, 2018


Whoop-de-doo... it's been half a year without a post here!

Gezus; I've really been behind schedule... What was I doing during the last six months? Well, I've been updating the other blog somewhat scarcely as well... but most of my time went into school and work. It's been really getting in the way of my other blog's post schedules.

And just wait till it hits mid-September; I'll have to deal with a ton of work that'll probably get in the way of school... that ain't gonna be pretty.

I regret not posting much here, as there's plenty of updates that I've missed over the months. I was able to check them out because of the Dead Frontier newsletter and the occasional reddit/blog checkups, but I'd still like to cover them here on this ol' blog.

So this is just a small update to inform y'all that I didn't die or anything, just busy. Since I have some breathing room for this week, I might as well make use of them well before it runs out.

Expect a Dead Frontier 2 development update post soon!

-Zombie Sniper-
Revolver - Working In Background Revolver