

Danger lurks around every corner...

Danger lurks around every corner...

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Second Revival

Heh, not really a rivival, but an update.

So what kind of reason it is now, huh?

I'll tell ya the truth: Gaming. [yep, you've read that, alright]

Some other games, to be exact. Been playing a DayZ knockoff called "Infestation: Survivior Stories". It used to be called "WarZ".

"Why don't you just play DayZ instead?", ya say? I'll give ya a good reason:

It. Will. LAG. ON. MY. COM!

DayZ is very huge and it's "low" graphics still gives my com a heart attack... so yeah, no.

Then there's also the usual, BlackShot. Just wanna get to "2nd Lieutenant" rank, y'know?

Also, another game called "Need for Speed: World". It's NFS but Multiplayer MMO style, in the city that play in NFS: Carbon [I don't know the name of that city]

Fallout 3/NV... mods, mods and more mods! Oh, and also Counter Strike Source.

CS2D? A 'lil bit of maps made, 'cause I need fresh ideas, not remakes of the same old crap.

A RTS game called C&C Generals, with a mod called the Shockwave mod. Pretty good stuff they added.

World Of Tanks also... although I barely play that game. It gets boring once you have to grind more than a month to get the next Tier tank [Tier XI, or 9]

Then just recently, Dead Frontier! [what a surprise]

Decided to grind my main to LVL 100 [I lost count how many times I've flopped on that]

...Or at least enough to be able to use the Marksman G8 and the new LE Melee Weapon, the Sharktail!

Just two to three swings on those nasty Special Infected and hey presto, sliced zombie!

Alright, time to get out and grind! [hopefully do it, this time]

-Zombie Sniper-


  1. Good luck with does game boy =)

  2. One advice if don't play ur AMX 50 120 will not be in your garage u know =)

    1. It's not like an update will remove that tank or anything.

      Plus, i'll get it.


      Maybe... I don't know, aight? I'll get it when i get it.

  3. You must believe in yourself u know u can't just back down on small little thing that stop u from getting that tank =)


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