

Danger lurks around every corner...

Danger lurks around every corner...

Friday, November 10, 2017

An Actual Update For Dead Frontier!

Yep... thought things stagnated to a P2W wasteland over there...

Nah, I'm just kiddin', things in Dead Frontier are still asinine as it was when I left... which is bad. No, the actual update to Dead Frontier is not in the game itself BUT to a little post that appeared some time ago.

Heck, I only knew about this through a Dead Frontier Newsletter... I wouldn't have known about it otherwise if that wasn't the case.

So without anymore stalling, here's the following newsletter that I've received.

It's not that long, but it's also not the full announcement.

There's more in the message, but it's only a link to the actual announcement and the website to the upcoming game: Dead Frontier 2. [or more specific, Dead Frontier II]

Yeah, you read that right: Dead Frontier TWO. A second one, with the goal of making it less Pay-to-progress and more like the old Dead Frontier 2D [or known today as DF Classic]

Here's the links to the actual announcement, and also the website for Dead Frontier 2 if you're too lazy to type 'em down yourself...

Dead Frontier 2 Official Announcement

Dead Frontier 2

So, it seems like the game has been in development for quite some time now and is scheduled for release on April 2018, as it is "nearing completion".

The real eye-catching stuff is the features that will be available on launch, and I'll be going through them one-by-one.

"An all in one game client, nothing runs in the browser"

So, what this will be is that the whole game is run through just one place. No switching from the web browser "Outpost" using the soon-outdated Flash and to the actual game "Inner City" using whatever game engine AdminPwn is using for the new game [hopefully not Unity again, please!]

"No more P2W. Cosmetic and utility upgrades only (and still free to play)"

This. This here is the one that will fix about most of what's wrong with Dead Frontier nowadays. It's pretty self explanatory, really... no Uberkanone for decimating everything with ease for 1/3 of your bank's balance or some Wonderdrug for a small sum of Gazillion dollars.

"Cosmetics only" makes me worry as today's games have that section under LOOTBOXES. Let's hope that's not in the game... if it does end up in the game, at least implement it well.

"A brand new 4-player multiplayer system that focuses on player experience above all else."

Very reminiscent of the old Dead Frontier 2D. "No more glitched zombies" essentially means no more damage lag or not even registering and stuff like that. This is also backed up well with the introduction off...

"A lobby system, making it easy to find and create game instances"

Now we're really goin' down the ol' 2D route. The old lobby is back with a maximum of 4 players. I can see it now; Lobby Rooms with the names "loot" and "grind" will be back, with a new addition: "bosshunt".

"A totally new skill system, giving the player a meaningful way to improve their character with every level up"

This is very hard to know what exactly is "new and improved" in this section, but the only way we'll know more is by playing the game... or until an update post for Dead Frontier 2 appears down the line.

"Complex stats system giving almost endless build variety"

This just means that you can mix and match anything your little heart desires to make your own ideal Survivor. Won't know more until we get more updates on DF2.

"A more immersive over-the-shoulder camera angle"

Just simply put, third person-ish gameplay. This is somewhat mixed, as some will prefer the 'bird's view' or 'top-down view' of the past games, but I'm kinda looking forward to how it plays out. "PREPARE FOR JUMPSCARES!!!" is all I can say.

"Modern current gen graphics"

This puts my "Unity-phobia" at rest... a better looking game that doesn't look lazily made should indicate usage of more better game engines... at least I hope. IF it still uses Unity, then no fear... it's been proven over time that some games can look, feel and run great with the Unity engine... be it a 2D game or 3D.

"Procedural game world that re-generates daily, giving a far more replayable experience" 

Giving life to the Inner City? That is a good move, as it essentially makes it feel like an open world game. Making a game "more replayable" can indicate a good and a bad thing, though. The good being that players are much less susceptible to boredom quickly and the bad being far too many shit to do that it gets overwhelming.

"Realistic post-apocalyptic trading system with multiple markets, currencies and taxes" 

Hmm... more than one Marketplace or either different market for different services. And currently there's only two currencies in Dead Frontier; Cash [in-game currency] and Credits [Premium game currency]. So maybe they'll use more than just these two, like for example bottlecaps? 

"Taxes" doesn't sound good... but I'm guessing it's because of several different Outpost's rules? You are setting up business in a safe place after all, so it's like rent and stuff like that.

"Notice board for missions" 

This. This is also another that will fix current Dead Frontier's problems. A place where you can get missions is just a major improvement than the sudden "mission pop-up" we have now. Another classic from 2D returning, that's two now. Hopefully you can get more than just one mission, though.

"Upgradeable vehicles"

Whoa... now this is something new to DF2. This indicates vehicles that we can acquire and upgrade. I see this going both ways, though... like it's just a means to fast travel and upgrading vehicles lets you go further or something like that. Hopefully it ends up as an actual vehicle that you can control fully and not a "service" type niche.

"Upgradeable weapons"

Also new to DF2. Maybe it might work similarly to current DF's "master/godcarfted" items, but I think not. Instead, I think this indicates things like attachments for weapons. Silencers and scopes will finally work now, if that is implemented.

"Crafting system"

You all should know what this is by now. Again, it could also be a good and a bad thing. Looks like there's something else to add into the list of "what to loot"... I'm guessing this will have use under the "upgreadeable vehicles/weapons" section, maybe more!

And finally...

"True survival horror"

"not just mindless action!" indicates a shift back to the old 2D Dead Frontier, as that game has some form of "survival horror" feel to it. There's zero horror elements in Dead Frontier 3D, but lots of mindless action. That's three things that they decided to pick up from the old DF2D, and that is just good.

Like I said in one of the previous sections; prepare for jumpscares. Although I think it won't be everywhere until it gets annoying, though. Just those little "oh shit!" momments that you might have in the old 2D... a random zombie appearing in the same room you're in, just to name one instance.

And that's all there was about the features in the upcoming Dead Frontier 2... now back to other things...

Three ideas that the old 2D had, but they're missing another three: Outpost Attack [defense?], the old "points of interest" like the 'Original Crashed Helicopter' and 'Death Row' and the old enemies of 2D like Crows or even the Behemoth...

Now that was just one small section of the announcement. There's plenty more in there, but I'm just looking into some of the more important details.

Like under the FAQs section, there's mention of unique cosmetic rewards for several "milestones" reached in the current DF that will be given to players in DF2. Sad to say that out of all the milestones listed there, I'm only eligible for about 2 of them.

Some important things to note are that your current DF account name will be [or can be] reserved for DF2, so no one can steal or impersonate you [for whatever reason], but it'll probably under some transfer/reserve system that will go down before DF2 is released... and that the current DF won't be shut down and is not discontinued. In fact, it might even get updates down the road. and we all know how DF3D updates' go...

So DF3D gets to live on normally but DF2D gets to live on at half-life? I would prefer 2D back on, but that's way overdue.

Then there's also the story on how the idea for DF2 came about. It's worth the read, so I recommend doing so over there.

Overall, I'm somewhat excited because of some 2D idea implementations... but also wary about this whole thing as it might go bad. But one's thing for sure; I'm keeping my eyes on this until it fully releases.

And that's all for this post for now. It's been almost forever since I've last updated, but there's just not many I can do here as I've been mostly in World Of Tanks. In fact, I still have more than 6 videos and many other posts to make there. But with this sudden news of DF2 out, I'll at least be able to do something here once in a while. 

So, let's see how this goes, huh...

-Zombie Sniper-

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Still not dead, at all...

Now that the other blog's post is done, time for an update on this blog...

Yeah... this ain't good for everyone.

This particular update is slightly different, as I have some important things to highlight...

First off, Dead Frontier related post will less likely be around anymore. Reason is because the game had no real updates... only "cash-grab" updates which are just new stuff to buy with real-life currency. Hell, the last update on the official Dead Frontier Blog was on May 11... of 2016.

Yeah, you read that right... OVER A YEAR.

But if there's little to no Dead Frontier posts here, then what will happen to this blog? Well, that's where the important part starts.

This blog will now be used for nearly any zombie-themed 'things'... like games and shit. I even talked about it over at the other blog... here's a little snippet of what it has.

From Panzer Fist's Gaming Blog:

I'm also thinking about putting up some other videos like 7 Days To Die or something like that... but planning to shift any zombie themed stuff to "T932's Dead Frontier Blog", as it's currently lacking any posts... 'cause y'know, Dead Frontier's starting to get even more stale with all the cash-grabbing updates only.

From that little quote, you can probably tell what it'll be used for now. Games like 7 Days To Die as mentioned above, even games like Dead Space can also be contributed to here as it can fit in this blog, too.

This way, no blog gets left to the dust like my first one has... how I miss those days...

Things probably will still be quite empty here as I have plenty to do over at the other blog... Metal Saga videos is an example, as I have to make room for my hard disk by the end of next week. There probably won't be any updates for weeks or even months here... maybe even a year plus, but rest assured, this blog won't be abandoned, scrapped or deleted.

I probably will have to scrounge up more zombie or horror themed games for this blog, or even play some old ones I've played through before...

Hell, maybe I'll even try to find another 'Dead Frontier type' game out there... but only time can tell.

Well that was short... but that's because most of the focus is on the other blog now. Once things settle down over there then I can begin researching for materials for this blog. Until then, it stays quiet for now.

"And thus, today marks the end of any Dead Frontier related posts... sad the game turned out the way it did now then it was in the past... you will always be remembered, Dead Frontier 2D."

So with that important update outta the way, I'll be going off now. Already 2:20 AM here and I still have stuff to do over at the other blog tomorrow...

-Zombie Sniper-
Revolver - Working In Background Revolver