

Danger lurks around every corner...

Danger lurks around every corner...

Monday, April 6, 2015

Four Days of Eggs

It's been some time now.

Quick update: I'm not dead yet. Been playing the 2015 Easter Evisceration Event.

No recorded videos of it, sorry. Been busy hunting down Eggheads each day, trying to get as much as I can collect. My last Egg Hunt was on Monday, 'cause I can't be bothered to do it in the "early hours of Tuesday April 7th"...

If you don't know, the Easter Evisceration Event let's you hunt down a 'Special Infected' called the 'Egg Head'. By the name, they are zombies with giant eggs on their heads. They have the body of a Burned Male/Female Zombie and have a Yellow colored egg on their heads.

Has quite comparable health to the Burning Zombie, except that they explode on death. If you survive long enough from the tsunami of zombies coming in, you can loot the bodies to find an 'Easter Egg' among the chaos that is happening in the area.

The zombies themselves give quite a chunk of EXP. So if you're not into Egg Hunting, you can just get some extra Levels by just killing them over and over. I know I did in the last day.

Other stuff that happens on the event are Marketplace Item crashes/inflation, Double EXP [even for missions] eat egg shaped candies that give you damage boosts, lazing around in the chat for Egghead sightings, AFKing in Egghead zones while the others do the work, looting eggs or die trying and hoarding Easter Eggs for collection purposes... hoping that the price for these eggs will rise through the roofs a few months time.

Just too damn tired by then. So far the items you can get from these 'Easter Eggs' are in the list below.

List is arranged to the most rare to the most common.

Top Hat
475 Magnum
Alpha Bull
Easter Candy
Teddy Bear

The line there separates between the good stuff and the occasional junk you might find.

These are what I've gotten from the numerous Easter Eggs I've opened. There's been some talk that you can get a Vulcan from it, but I don't believe those rumors.

Well, it's been a good Easter Event. I know they are pretty much recycled, but it's better than nothing I guess. Be seeing ya'll in the next post! [whenever that will be!]

-Zombie Sniper-
Revolver - Working In Background Revolver