

Danger lurks around every corner...

Danger lurks around every corner...

Monday, January 26, 2015

Video Tests

Well now,

So far, I've tested with only two video recording software: FRAPS and Bandicam. Tested them in Dead Frontier and you can see the results below.



I guess these might be my only recording software I'll use. Bandicam for lengthy and more focused gameplay and FRAPS for quality, 'cause FRAPS always generate a big file. 800 MB per minute for FRAPS while only 150 MB for Bandicam.

The advantages of using FRAPS are crisp video footage, but drawbacks are big file size and affect your game/program a lot. When playing a game, you might get 30 FPS instead of the usual 60 FPS... so that's a big NO if you're recording... let's say a seriously competitive game like COD or WOT and if you have a weak computer.

Advantages of Bandicam are nearly unnoticeable effect it has on your frame rate and small size. Disadvantages are quite blurry recorded videos and sometimes minor stuttering while recording.

There's one more that I thought I'll give a try at, and that is Dxtory. It fuctions like Bandicam, with the unnoticeable frame drops and like FRAPS, with the crisp video footage.

Downsides are files that are almost as big as a FRAPS recorded video... and that it costs quite expensive, too... like 25 euros expensive? [so i've been told?]

But yeah, I guess that can be for another time. As of now it's these two.

"What about Hypercam?" you might ask? Lemme give you my answer:


Have a lot of bad memories with that one. Very poor video quality only makes it good for tutorial videos. You can see the results of using them in the older DF videos.

I guess that's it, then. Now I just need to make these DF videos and upload them to YouTube... whenever that is gonna be.

-Zombie Sniper-

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Another Quick Notice

A real quick note to point out here,

A World of Tanks video has been uploaded to my Gaming Blog ['New Gaming Blog' link at Links Section]

So #3 is done. That friend of mine I've mention in the last post? A link to his blog has been placed at the Links Section. ['Nagatochua']

If you're too lazy to scroll down to click it, links will be provided in this post.

Friend's Blog [Nagatochua]

New Gaming Blog

That's all now. #1 is partially done, so far for testing FRAPS and Bandicam.

See ya soon with the new Dead Frontier videos!

-Zombie Sniper-

Friday, January 23, 2015

Quick Notice

Hello folks,

Just some quick notes here:

1. Now testing with multiple game recording software for best quality [and small size]

2. A new DF video will be uploaded, probably this February.

3. That WoT video? Delayed. A friend of mine apparently wants to make one too.

The most quick thing relating to WoT will probably be a post about it, not sure when I'll get around to doing one. Videos of it will be as stated in #3.

Any DF updates? Naw... nothing major. Just that the Gut Splitter is available for purchase.

Looks like it's the usual "LE Milking" again... -_-"

Alright, I guess that's all that I thought was worth pointing out today. I'll see to getting these done... hopefully...

-Zombie Sniper-

Sunday, January 4, 2015


Hi there!

Just dropping by the ol' DF blog of mine.

Erm, this is not really an update at all, tis' more of a "necro bump" to the blog...

Since the only "updates" going on in Dead Frontier are the Christmas Events. That "infected reindeer" and a bunch of "Elite Presents" for purchase are all the update so far in the game.

Oh... looks like I was several weeks behind schedule. Awkward...

Nevermind then. I'm sure some interesting updates will arrive in DF, sooner or later.

Well, time for some dose of WoT! < Next update will be 'bout this.

Oh, and happy 2015!

-Zombie Sniper-
Revolver - Working In Background Revolver