

Danger lurks around every corner...

Danger lurks around every corner...

Thursday, October 2, 2014

An Actual Update!

Whoaa would'cha lookatdat, an ACTUAL DeadFrontier update.

Yep, you read the title correctly, an update. Seems like a really big one too.

According to what he posted, his reason for the inactivity in DF was actually busy developing Doom Warrior. Y'know, the other game that Admin cooked up quite a while ago?

What? You didn't smell what the Pwn's cookin'?! Here's Doom Warrior's website.

Doom Warrior

Don't worry, it ain't coke or meth he's cooking. It seems like a PvP game, kinda like Soul Caliber but more realistic. I'd say it's more like Dark Souls PvP, but I never really know 'bout that game.

Back to the DF updates. The updates are:

Clan System [done as of writing this now]

Extended Inner City and New Enemies [this one's by far the most exciting one]

New Equipment [like that's never enough]

New Outpost and Missions [i don't know if they used the "Ground Zero/White Zone" idea]

They should really add "improved Multiplayer syncing" 'cause it's fucking annoying for the zombies to receive a fraction [or worse, none] of the damage they SHOULD receive.

Here's the update post's link, it has more info on the current upcoming update:

Dead Frontier 3D - New Updates Coming Soon

I guess that's it then. An actual update to both DF and my Blog. [lol] See ya next time...

-Zombie Sniper-

Long Gone...

Yo, long time no see.

Yeah... it's been about 4 months [maybe more than that] since my last update.

looks like someone's gettin' lazy...

True, but this maybe a 'lil short for now. I'll post something about DeadFrontier soon, 'cause there's something going on about it.

Will report soon [hopefully]

-Zombie Sniper-
Revolver - Working In Background Revolver