

Danger lurks around every corner...

Danger lurks around every corner...

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Teh Screencapz

Hello there peeps,

Got around to getting a screenie of Greg's comment in DF3DDB.

Here it is:

Lol, that comment at the top.

Turns out in Windows 7, you cant screen-cap with a push of a button [PrintScreen] but I can do that with my old laptop...which is also in Windows 7. Funny... maybe it's just the school computer's "restrictions".

It uses something called a "Snipping Tool". Works differently and it's like Paint. You select a section you wanna take and save it.

Honestly, the older way is MUCH easier. ^~^

And whaddya mean "old laptop"? I thought that was you're only one!

I got a new one. [Hellz yea! 1/2 achievement completed!]

Pretty tough to get it though. Had to wait till the last day of the sale, 'cause SOMEONE apparently said that "in the last day, they'll probably sell them off at extremely low prices because they want to get rid of all of it"

To simply put it, "last day always lelong one"

Hell, lelong stands for bargain, I think. Forgive me but I suck so much at my foreign language. English is easier. lol.

Oh, but noOOOoooo... When we get there, the only ones left are craptops. Y'know, the ones that CAN'T EVEN RUN A FLASH GAME SMOOTHLY?!

So I have no choice but to buy a 3rd Gen I5 Laptop from Hewlett Packard. It should be easy to know what computer brand it is, right?

I coulda get that 3rd Gen I7 Laptop [which costs $1299] instead. Why I want that one?

Oh I dunno, it has like... FREE UPGRADE and Printer. And it's 15".

Ahh but what the hell. I have brought what I can, so I might as well not bitch 'bout it. When the time has come, [by that I mean working + 'nuff money] then maybe I'll get that sweet Lenovo Laptop [4th Gen I7!!!] that comes in with an ULTRADOCK.

Basically it's a dock [duh] that can be swapped on the go between 3 docks: CD/DVD Drive, Extra Fan or DUAL GRAPHICS. Sounds awesome... when you're playing a graphic-heavy game, switch to Dual Graphics Dock. When playing a typically balanced game, [for long hours] switch to Extra Fan Dock.

...Honestly, the CD/DVD Drive Dock is not that useful. 'Cuz most of my games are...well, don't make me say it.

I guess that's it then. I still have 3 more weeks in college before I'm outta this stinkin' course-of-a wast'a time...

-Zombie Sniper-

Monday, September 16, 2013

An Eternity

Hoho, what have we here now...

Super long delay much? There's specific reasons fer that though. And what is the reason?


I thought it had ended, y'know? But the whole class had to drag their asses back to school again to do long projects. Each person must do at least three projects and they must be at least eight minutes and not longer than 15 minutes of project presentation.

Oh, and I got quite bored of Dead Frontier... just sayin'.

There's not even a REAL update in the game, other than the usual LEWs [Limited Edition Weapon] and LEEs [Limited Edition Equipment] that pop up every now and then.

For God's sake Admin, this is a MMO. It's got to have updates that is interesting, like events, new places/bosses/enemies, not just new weaponry and equipment. I've see people from newbies to respected/famous players of the game, like Greg Stevens getting fed up with his attitude towards the game.

He's known in 2D to be one of the few to reach LVL 200. I even found a post of his at the Dead Frontier Development Blog. This is what I've found:

Greg Stevens29 July 2013 14:38

He lost me a year ago. I just check the blog to see if something interesting comes up. All i have seen so far is events, events, and more events. I like DF but the lack of updates makes it crap.

I feel the same way.
I mean the game is good but the lack of updates is what makes it boring for people quickly. And sorry if I can't screen-cap it, I can't screen-cap in Windows 7. Instead, I'll put up the blog page of it.

And besides projects, I've been busy playing a game I've waited for some time now. 

What's the game I'm playing you might be thinking? It's Dead Island Riptide!

Awesome game, that sadly turns boring once you completed the whole MAIN campaign. [Maybe that's just for me though]

I've actually played Dead Island before so I know how to get around in the game. Just 28 Hours into the game and I'm LVL 58 with my favorite one-hit killing weapon: A Calibrated Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle. I'm actually using the same color as what the text for this weapon is. It's basically a SVD Dragunov.

It kinda looks like that. Mine has a whopping base DMG [Damage] of 2316! Thugs go down in three hits and Screamers are dead in two hits, if they are headshots of course. Critical hit shots on the head kills 'em with only one shot.

But I'm not done with the game yet. I plan to explore more and see if Riptide has secrets like the first Dead Island made. I won't tell you what the secrets are, but if ya wanna know, ya gonna haf'ta look fer it yerselves.

And this is not the temporary computer, but I'm actually doing this at school now.

So, I guess that's it then. I have to get back to doing my projects...

-Zombie Sniper-
Revolver - Working In Background Revolver